Endor Leia

Halloween 2015

Leia is a badass, and she always has cool gear.

The boots, undershirt, overshirt and blaster came ready-made, although the blaster did need to be spray-painted and the pants needed duct tape.

I cut the sleeves and collar off the overshirt (it had been a jacket) and turned it inside-out to mask the pockets and patches that came with it.

I made belt pouches and the holster out of fake leather. Random obsolete computer hardware and sewing notions made up Leia’s insignia.

I wove brown bias tape through her braids to match Leia’s hairstyle. Honestly, when did Leia have time for all that time in the stylist’s chair? It took forever.

The heavy muslin forest poncho came in handy; it was a cold Halloween.